

asyncio(*, client)

This is the same as the OpenAPI schema, BUT it has some modifications to make it compatible with OpenAI.

asyncio_detailed(*, client)


Response[Union[dict, Error, None]]

sync(*, client)

This is the same as the OpenAPI schema, BUT it has some modifications to make it compatible with OpenAI.

sync_detailed(*, client)


Response[Union[dict, Error, None]]

kittycad.api.meta.get_openai_schema._build_response(*, response)[source][source]
Return type:

Response[Union[dict, Error, None]]

kittycad.api.meta.get_openai_schema._get_kwargs(*, client)[source][source]
Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

kittycad.api.meta.get_openai_schema._parse_response(*, response)[source][source]
Return type:

Union[dict, Error, None]

async kittycad.api.meta.get_openai_schema.asyncio(*, client)[source][source]

This is the same as the OpenAPI schema, BUT it has some modifications to make it compatible with OpenAI. For example, descriptions must be < 300 chars.

Return type:

Union[dict, Error, None]

async kittycad.api.meta.get_openai_schema.asyncio_detailed(*, client)[source][source]
Return type:

Response[Union[dict, Error, None]]

kittycad.api.meta.get_openai_schema.sync(*, client)[source][source]

This is the same as the OpenAPI schema, BUT it has some modifications to make it compatible with OpenAI. For example, descriptions must be < 300 chars.

Return type:

Union[dict, Error, None]

kittycad.api.meta.get_openai_schema.sync_detailed(*, client)[source][source]
Return type:

Response[Union[dict, Error, None]]